Medicine Buddha Light Offering Registration Form

Dear Dharma Friends and Devotees,

This year, FGBT has scheduled a Dharma Service in celebration of the Medicine Buddha’s birthday on November 11-12 together with IBPS New York. By chanting the Sutra, reciting the name of Medicine and making lamp offerings, the merit cultivated can serve as a bridge for us to connect with the Medicine Buddha’s Vow “Peace and Joy shall be blessed to All Sentient Beings”. We will dedicate the blessings and merits from the service to you and your family members.
May Benevolence and Harmony Bring Peaceful Wellbeing
Let Abundance and Joy Yield Auspiciousness in Our Lives

Yours in the Dharma,
Fo Guang Buddhist Temple Boston

Mailing Method

Registration Form:

Check Payable to: FGBT
Mailing Address:
Fo Guang Buddhist Temple Boston
711 Concord Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138

Online Method

Medicine Buddha Light Offering / 藥師法會
1. 會主燈 - (燈卡名8人 / 4人或 2人代表闔家入總文疏))
2. 藥師燈 - (燈卡名4人/2人或1人代表闔家 入 總文疏)
3. 琉璃燈 - (1人姓名或1人代表闔家)
4. 吉祥燈 - (1人姓名)
5. 供齋,供花,供果 - 隨喜功德
6. 供壽桃 - 隨喜功德

Offering/Donation Options:
1. Sponsor’s Lamp: A household or 8 names on the blessing name card , 4 names in the blessing proclamation
2. Medicine-master Lamp: A household or 4 names on the blessing name card , 2 name in the blessing proclamation
3. Crystal Lamp: A household or 1 name on the blessing name card.
4. Auspicious Lamp: 1 name
5. Food, Fruit and Flower Offering: Open donation
6. Longevity Buns: Open donation

Offering Options /點燈選項 *

Sponsor’s Lamp / 會主燈

Medicine-master Lamp / 藥師燈

Crystal Lamp / 琉璃燈

Auspicious Light / 吉祥燈

Others Offering / 其它供养